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What is Life insurance?

Life insurance is a safety net for your loved ones in case something happens to you. It provides financial support to cover expenses like mortgages, rent, bills, and living costs. Think of it as a shield against life's unexpected challenges.

There are different types of life insurance, such as
mortgage life insurance, family life insurance, over 50s life insurance. Additionally, there are products like income protection, which ensures your income if you can't work due to illness or injury, and critical illness cover, which provides a lump sum if you're diagnosed with a serious illness.

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Do I Need Life Insurance?

If you have a family that depends on your income and debts such as a mortgage, life insurance could be an important consideration. Here are some questions to help you determine if you need life insurance:

1. What would happen to your family if they lost your income?

2. What financial adjustments would they need to make?

3. Do you have savings or other assets that could support your family in your absence?

How Much Is Life Insurance?

Factors that affect the cost of your life insurance policy include


The older you are the more your life insurance will generally cost.


In some cases the insurer will look at your medical history and adjust your premium accordingly, this is called loading.

Smoker Status

As with all similar insurances, if you smoke your premiums will be higher due to the associated health conditions.

Policy Duration

The longer you have your life insurance running for will mean an overall higher premium.

Benefit Amount

The more you want your life insurance the pay out the more your premiums will be.

Policy Holders

If you want to add people to your policy for example your partner to make a joint policy, this will affect your premium.

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How much cover do I need?

Determining the appropriate amount of life insurance coverage is a personal decision that varies for everyone.
To calculate the right level of coverage for you, consider factors such as your:

  • Outstanding debts
  • Current and future family plans
  • Your budget

By taking these aspects into account, you can tailor your life insurance policy to best suit your needs and provide adequate protection for your loved ones.

Types of Life Insurance Cover

Mortgage Protection Life Insurance

Mortgage protection insurance, also called mortgage life insurance, steps in to cover any outstanding balance on your mortgage if you pass away before it's fully paid off. This ensures that your loved ones won't be burdened with the mortgage debt, and if the property is your family home, they won't have to sell it due to financial strain.

Over 50s Life Insurance

Over 50s life insurance is a product specifically designed for individuals aged 50 and older, typically up to around 85 years old (though this can vary depending on the insurer). This type of insurance is guaranteed to pay out and is commonly used to cover funeral expenses, leave a gift for loved ones, or support a charity.

Family Income Benefit

Family income benefit is a type of term life insurance tailored for parents and families. In the event of your death or terminal illness, this policy provides regular monthly payments to your family. The aim is to replace your lost income by offering a tax-free income stream until a specific end date.

Whole Life Insurance

As the name suggests this type of life insurance covers you for your whole life and does not have a specified terms of expiry date. It could be taken out for things such as inheritance tax liability or to cover cost such as funeral expenses.

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Can I get life insurance cover with a health Condition?

A pre-existing health condition refers to a medical issue that you have been diagnosed with before applying for life insurance. In the past, having a long-standing health condition could prevent you from obtaining life insurance coverage.

However, nowadays, decisions regarding pre-existing conditions are typically assessed on a case-by-case basis, and it is highly probable to be covered even with such conditions.

Some examples of pre-existing conditions include:

  • Cancer
  • Asthma
  • Diabetes
  • Stroke
  • Heart Attack

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