• Enable Staff to Jump NHS Waiting Lists
  • 24/7 GP Service
  • Reduce Sick Days
  • Boost Productivity
  • Makes Your Company More Attractive to Talent
  • Create a Happier, Healthier Workplace
  • Tax Relief for Business Owners
  • Some Providers Offer Staff Perks

We Compare Leading Insurers



WPA is a non-profit organisation which means money can be reinvested into the business to create a better customer experience. They have a shared responsibility element of cover which allows the client to make a co-payment for treatment costs, this…

Vitality Health


Rebranded in 2014 they were originally Pru Health. Vitality set itself apart with a unique health rewards scheme which is designed to keep to healthy whilst offering many partner rewards and freebies. Their comprehensive cover offers a full cover promised…



Since being established in 1947 BUPA has amassed more than 15 million health insurance customers and is considered as the largest health insurer in the UK. Today BUPA provide market-leading cancer cover and is groundbreaking in its mental cover offering.…

AXA Health


AXA PPP Healthcare have been in the market since 1940 and are one of the leading choices for many customers. They provide a modular policy options that come with a range of additional benefits such as travel cover and dental…



Originally Norwich Union, Aviva are regarded as being the largest overall insurer in the UK and are an award winning health insurance provider. In 2017 they won the “Health Insurance Company of the Year” award for the eight-year running. Their…

Business Private Health Insurance

What is business health insurance?

Business health insurance is a type of health insurance that your company can take out to protect the health of your work force. Employees can use the policy to avoid lengthy wait times on the NHS, meaning they are able to return to work quicker.

It can be arranged according to the size of your business. Many insurers offer bespoke policies for SME's with a few employees to large corporations with potentially thousands of staff.

The company is responsible for paying the premiums, if an employee opts in, it is considered a "benefit in kind" or simply a company benefit.

What's Covered?

Usually as standard

  • In-patient treatment, diagnostic tests and consultations
  • Day patient treatment, diagnostic tests and consultations
  • MRI/CT/PET scans
  • Private Cancer Cover
  • Private Digital GP


  • Outpatient consultations and diagnostic tests
  • Therapies such as physiotherapy
  • Dental Cover
  • Travel Cover
  • Mental Health Cover


  • Emergency care
  • Cosmetic procedure
  • Pregnancy and childbirth
  • Some pre-existing conditions
  • Treatment for substance misuse

What affects Business Health Insurance cost?

Number of employees

Premiums are based per person.

Employees Age

The older the more risk.

Your occupation

Some jobs are riskier than others

How much cover you take

The more comprehensive the cover is the more it will cost.

Your policy excess

How much you and your employees are willing to pay upfront to start a claim can affect the premium.

Your business postcode

Some areas in the UK are more expensive than others as the cost of care in those areas is more expensive.

Already covered?

Compare, Switch and Save through us

Match or improve your cover

We all want to save money but if it means having to take an unwanted drop in cover what's the point? Our advisors will always recommend the same if not better in the first instance unless you tell us you can't afford the cover and wish to scale back.

Continue any existing medical history

The main concern for many of our clients with existing medical conditions. We will endeavour to carry your medical history forward to the new provider, meaning you can claim for them in the future if required. For some conditions, this isn't always possible and if that is the case will make you aware.

Reduce premiums

Due to the volume of business our team places with the providers we can take advantage of exclusive deals and incentives which we will pass on to you. Your advisor will be negotiating on your behalf to get you the best deal possible not just this year but every renewal.

Customer satisfaction

We are happy when you are happy. Our team of partners are looking to forge long lasting relationships with their clients. This means that even after you have moved provider you advisor will be on hand throughout the life of the policy to assist with any queries or claims should you need them. Our existing customers love this. We are proud of our excellent customer feedback to date.

Benefits of using a health Insurance broker

  • No Fee's
  • Experts In a Tricky Field.
  • They Are On Your Side
  • Direct Point of Contact
  • They Do The Heavy Lifting - Allowing You to Run Your Business
  • They Can Deal With the Paperwork For You
  • Regulated by The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA)
  • Provide Ongoing Support Throughout The Life of Your Policy

For More Information See Our Do You Need A Health Insurance Broker? article within our Knowledge Hub

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What customers love about our service

  • Access to the best rates on the market
  • Personalised service with a top-rated advisor
  • We're not tied to a single broker or insurer
  • Free advice
  • Protected medical history
  • Reduced premiums
  • Ongoing support

Frequently asked questions

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